Covering My Sins With His Blood…
Eighteen years and 20 days ago everything changed. Jesus Christ chased down another lost, broken and derelict soul. This time was different. Jesus Christ had been in pursuit since about age 5 or 6. The first encounter involved sleep as well. Being awakened on a Sunday morning to be encouraged to go to the neighborhood Southern Baptist Church, Dalewood Baptist Church, which was about a block past the neighborhood Church of Christ, was one of those moments we can all see that Jesus Christ is pursuing us. It was beautiful.
What happened eighteen years ago was similar but different. It is just this morning the second encounter with Jesus Christ became a little clearer. The first, with the Southern Baptist Church is still unclear, but the second may be a little closer to what He was teaching may take another step towards unraveling the mystery.
When that fateful morning arrived the image was that of a pickup-truck with a damaged front end, with blood spread out over a good portion. While there never has been a body associated with the vision, the vision itself, just like my early childhood vision, has always been crystal clear. Was Jesus saying that it was He whose blood was shed. Jesus was taking the addiction, the destruction, the ruined life, Jesus was taking it and covering my sins with His blood?
The baptism that was witnessed all those years ago was a precursor to what was coming. The happy couple that surrounded me, protected me and took me home, I always knew they were messengers from God, but it is only now that what happened at age 5 or 6 is becoming clear. Not sure that what happened at that early age is understood, but it is absolutely tied to what happened at age 41, that is now beyond doubt.
Either the Scripture is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of God, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.